And my frustrations and my flaws are all I see.
Many times this verse I’ve read,
My strength is made perfect in weakness God said.
But I tell Him, I wanna be that, I wanna be this!
I wanna shine brighter, be the girl you can’t miss.!
I made you in my own perfect way,
So why is it I always hear you say,
Change me Lord to be like her,
When it’s you yourself I really prefer.
I may be the only one who sees your true beauty,
To make others see it isn’t your duty.
I know to you your flaws seem prominent.
But to me, they are gifts to you that I’ve lent.
But Lord can’t I live without all this stuff?
My child, my child, My grace is enough!
You don’t have to be accepted by everyone,
All that matters is if you’re found in the Son.
Trust me when He says I love you just the way you are,
You’re His joy and His crown, His bright shining star!