Don't just take it from us that Dnow is an awesome experience, see what two of our junior girls have to say about being a part of last year's Dnow!
Which part of Dnow encourages you the most?
“I love getting to hear the amazing speakers! Brent Crowe is one of my favorite speakers. I learn a new, practical truth that I can apply to my life every time I hear him speak. It’s always encouraging to hear him and then be able to discuss what I heard with my life group!” Merribrooke C.
What is the most significant thing you learned last year at Dnow?
“One thing that I still think about a lot today is Brent Crowe's Through the Grid tool, 22 questions that you can sort of use as a filter for any decision, whether it be music, or an outfit… anything really. Last year the theme was Chasing Elephants so this helped with decisions about gray area problems. Even though I don’t have all 22 memorized I know a few and I think about those when things in the gray area come up. It’s really helpful!” Brandy B.
“One thing that I still think about a lot today is Brent Crowe's Through the Grid tool, 22 questions that you can sort of use as a filter for any decision, whether it be music, or an outfit… anything really. Last year the theme was Chasing Elephants so this helped with decisions about gray area problems. Even though I don’t have all 22 memorized I know a few and I think about those when things in the gray area come up. It’s really helpful!” Brandy B.
What are you most looking forward this year at Dnow?
“I have never heard of KJ-52 before Dnow so I guess I am really looking forward to seeing him in person. :) And also Darren Whitehead and Brent Crowe were absolutely amazing last year. God really speaks through them both!” Brandy B.
“I have never heard of KJ-52 before Dnow so I guess I am really looking forward to seeing him in person. :) And also Darren Whitehead and Brent Crowe were absolutely amazing last year. God really speaks through them both!” Brandy B.
Keep in mind...small Late fee and limited availability for certain groups if registration is after February 5th.
For more info call student ministry offices...901.347.5694
As a thank you to our Girls Council for all their help this past semester we had a super fun pajama brunch for them! For the beginning of this new year, we focused on the verse found in Psalm 39:7 that says, "And now Lord, what do I wait for; My hope is in you." We asked ourselves "what is our hope in for this next year?"... Reputation, future plans, boys, accomplishments? If our hope(where our expectations are centered) is in anything other than the Lord, we will experience disappointment. But on the other hand, if our hope is hidden in the Lord, this is the answer to true satisfaction!
We would ask you that you ask yourself this same question in beginning a new year. What is your hope in? What are you expectating this year to bring? Put your hope in the Lord, for as Romans 5:5 says, "This hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." God's character and God's nature are to be trusted because of the love He so freely gives us through the Holy Spirit! Hope in God!!
“For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made
known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” 2 Peter 1:16
Eyewitness: a person who actually sees some act, occurrence, or thing and can give a firsthand account of it. In order to be an eyewitness you must have seen something to give a true account of that situation or thing. Let me ask you, have you seen God? Do you know God, I mean, do you really know Him? What makes Him laugh, what makes His heart hurt, what does He think about? Have you spent enough time with Him to know these things?
known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” 2 Peter 1:16
Eyewitness: a person who actually sees some act, occurrence, or thing and can give a firsthand account of it. In order to be an eyewitness you must have seen something to give a true account of that situation or thing. Let me ask you, have you seen God? Do you know God, I mean, do you really know Him? What makes Him laugh, what makes His heart hurt, what does He think about? Have you spent enough time with Him to know these things?
Our gracious and great God has revealed to us as much as our minds can conceive, and has done this through His precious Word! Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” It’s personal! You must encounter God personally or you have not encountered Him at all. Henry Blackaby said, “You must encounter God firsthand; or you will become passive, apathetic, or just drop out all together. You must continually encounter God firsthand or your fellowship with God will grow cold. You will quit caring about the concerns of God for His church, for the kingdom, or for the lost world.” Oh, how I pray you would not rely fully on one hour on a Sunday morning to satisfy your longing for something more, something real, something you can really believe (and trust me, everyone desires these things).
Have you encountered God personally? Are they just stories to you (cleverly devised tales) or have you seen God’s character and experienced His grace personally (eyewitness of His majesty)? God desires for you to seek Him and His power and His character rather than repeatedly hearing about Him from other people.
Are they just stories to you, or HAVE YOU SEEN GOD?

Hannah D. is an 8th grader in the Girls Ministry here at Bellevue! You've probably seen here around but we want to get to know her a little bit better so we asked her to tell us a little bit about herself... :)
What is a verse of Scripture that has encouraged you recently and why?
What is a verse of Scripture that has encouraged you recently and why?
- One verse of Scripture that has recently encouraged me is James 1:17-18 which says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all He created." This is very encouraging to me because it says that God is never changing and is always giving me blessings that are perfect for me and just what I need.
Who is a role model for you and why?
- One person that I look up to as a role model is Elizabeth Spiller. She has been my friend since birth, and has always been like a big sister to me. She has always walked faithfully with God and has shown me what being a Godly girl looks like.
If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
- If I were an animal I'd be a puppy! I would be a puppy because they are cute, they get loved and adored by their families and they get to make people happy!
We want to get to know you a little better too! So get a group of friends together and we'll meet for... lunch/dinner/bfast/coffee/shopping/walking/cupcakes/movies/shuffleboard and or yahtzee/karaoke/ manicures...just call/text/email/facebook/approach in the hall/hand written letter to either of us (Christy or Jenny) :)

Just thinking about a "perfect day" gets me excited about heaven! I mean if you think about it, everyday there will be the most wonderful day. For now, as I remain here on earth, I can only dream of a "perfect" day. If I were to plan this day, it would be on a Wednesday, my favorite day of the week. It would occur during the month of December, and the skies would be grey with snow-filled clouds. That morning, I would wake up, roll out of bed, slip on my fluffy robe and fuzzy slippers, and get a nice, warm mug of hot cocoa with mini-marshmallows. After I finished my hot cocoa, I would get all dressed up in my winter attire, after all who doesn't love winter clothes? I would wear my purple knit sweater, jeans, pea coat, scark, toboggan, and Uggs (can't forget those). My first event of the day would be ice-skating. I've never tried it and it's on my bucket-list, so why not give it a try. From there I would go to Jim N' Nicks for lunch. Just think, warm cheese biscuits, queso dip, and warm stew. MMM! Then I would get a group of friends together to go sledding. I would choose the tallest hill I could find and have at it! We would sled, have a snowball fight, and build snowmen. After all of that I would probably be so tired, so I would go home and eat dinner which would have to be turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie! Then I would watch Elf and A Christmas Story by the Christmas tree in my sock-monkey footy pajamas. Finally, before bed I would sit back and think what a wonderful day I had and go to sleep. That is my "perfect" day in a nutshell!
Nicole Wright