Nepal faces many personal differences and economic problems. Pray for wisdom, courage, and grace for its leaders.
Fifty-five percent of the population is unevangelized. Pray for the unreached:Tibetan refugees, Muslims, mountain peoples, and the Tharu.
Forty-seven percent of the population is underemployed. Pray for creative,sustainable means of employment.
The young people are vulnerable to economic exploitation, sex trafficking, drug abuse, AIDS, and more. Pray for changes that will offer hope and a future.
Christians face laws and violence that could prevent them from sharing the Gospel. Pray for perserverance for believers.
Christianity has a negative image in Nepal. Pray for discernment, courage, and faithfulness for those seeking to reverse negative opinion.
Christian ministries face many challenges. Pray for practical, innovative ways to address child labor, trafficking of Nepali girls, and disease.
Ask the Lord to give you a heart for people like He has!
1 John 5:1 "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the Father, loves His child as well."