- Population of 1.3 billion people
- 3rd largest state in the world.
- 3rd largest economy
- Close to 500 distinct ethnic groups
- Literacy rate = 91%
- Official language is Mandarin Chinese
- Of the 296 languages spoken in China, only 24 have Bibles
- Average income per person is $3259/year ($8.93/day)
- The One-Child Policy makes having more than one child illegal and punishable by fines, and leads to forced abortions, human rights violations, female infanticide, & abandonment.
- The Chinese government attempts to control the teaching and influence of Christianity by forcing churches to register with their "denomination," the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (self-governance, self-support, self-propagation). If churches do not register with the government, they are subject to punishment and persecution if discovered.
- 105 million Chinese claim to be Christian (about 8%). 75M of these are evangelical.
- The Back to Jerusalem Movement aims to send 100,000 Chinese missionaries by foot toward the Middle East as a means to take the Gospel to unreached people groups.
Prayer Points:
Sunday: Pray that God will sustain persecuted brothers and sisters with perseverance and grace, and that their ability to suffer well will serve as a testimony to Jesus and the Gospel.
Monday: Pray for the protection, anointing, and provision of underground church leaders.
Tuesday: Pray for the adoption and care of babies whose lives are threatened due to the One-Child Policy.
Wednesday: Pray for the growing influence and activity of the Church in social causes such as orpan care, human trafficking, care for the elderly, etc.
Thursday: Pray for the translation of Bibles into the languages of people yet unreached.
Friday: Pray for the evangelization of Chinese students who study in North America before they return home for their career.
Saturday: Pray for Chinese Christians participating in the Back to Jerusalem Movement.