Saturday, March 26, 2011
Saturday Senior Spotlight

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Praying for Nations: Egypt
- Population of 84 million people.
- Only 3% of the land is capable of producing crops.
- Literacy rate is 71%.
- 11 indigenous languages, 2 have the Bible.
- 59% of the Egyptian people are considered unreached with the Gospel.
- Annual income/person is $2162 ($5.92/day, or 5% that of U.S.)
- Muslim persecution of Christians is well-documented, and has only grown in recent years as Muslims have gained more governmental control and Christians have become more outspoken.
- Egypt is about 87% Muslim (representing 73 million people).
Prayer Points:
Sunday: Pray for the Presidential election that will take place later this year - that God will raise up a leader who will bring hope and healing to Egypt.
Monday: Pray that the Gospel will shine in the midst of Egyptian uncertainty and political turmoil.
Tuesday: Pray that Egyptian Christ-followers will show and share the Gospel with confidence, power, and clarity.
Wednesday: Pray that God will stop the influence of anti-Christian groups seeking power to promote anit-Christian agendas.
Thursday: Pray that Egyptian Christians will take the Gospel to the 50 million still unreached Egyptians.
Friday: Pray that Muslim-background believers would boldly practice and proclaim the Gospel among Muslims.
Saturday: Pray that God would grant grace and endurance to persecuted Egyptian Christians.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Saturday Senior Spotlight
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The new Radiant Newsletter is here!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Mother & Daughter Conference

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Saturday Senior Spotlight

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Praying for Nations: Democratic Republic of Congo