Join us as the Student Ministry prays for Namibia this week:
- Sunday: Pray that the nation's leaders will address the issues of poverty, land ownership, and AIDS with wisdom and determination.
- Monday: Pray for a biblical faith to be restored in Namibia's churches.
- Tuesday: Pray for all to hear the Gospel once again and to turn back to Christ; pray for unity and cooperation of all groups seeking to uplift Christ in this nation.
- Wednesday: Pray for current and future pastors and leaders to be trained and formed in God's standards.
- Thursday: Pray the major missions as AIM, YWAM, AoG, and SIM would minister to the people of Namibia in the power of the Gospel but also with sensitivity.
- Friday: Pray for successful distribution as Christian ministries strive to get a Bible in the hands of every Namibian.
- Saturday: Namibia has the fourth highest AIDS infection rate in the world. Pray for the churches and missions to make this issue a long-term priority.
For more information about Namibia and specific ways to pray go to: http://www.operationworld.org/.