- The world's 5th largets country in both land size and population (195M).
- Literacy rate is 88.6%.
- 181 indigenous languages; only 6 complete Bibles.
- 58 unreached people groups in Brazil.
- Average income/person = $8295 (almost $23/day)
- 91% of population claims to be Christian; of that, 72% are Catholic
- Brazil is becoming a "sending" country, sending almost 2000 Christian missionaries in 2010.
- 36,000 unchurched river communities along the Amazon River that are accessible only by boat.
- 600,000 girls reported that are involved in prostitution
Prayer Points:
Sunday: Pray that God would raise up Brazilian men, women, and students who would share the Gospel with their lives and their lips amond undeserved and unreached people.
Monday: Pray that God would spare Brazilian children from injustice; that He would sustain them in their suffering; that He would raise up people who would care for them.
Tuesday: Pray that God would raise up Brazilian pastors who would lead their churches to have a heart for people and a vision for the world.
Tuesday: Pray that God would raise up Brazilian pastors who would lead their churches to have a heart for people and a vision for the world.
Wednesday: Pray for authentic unity among Brazilian churches and denominations that, fueled by the Gospel, would erase prejudice, racism, and cultural arrogance.
Thursday: Pray for the continued work of organizations like Campus Crusade, who use the JESUS film in 25 different languages.
Thursday: Pray for the continued work of organizations like Campus Crusade, who use the JESUS film in 25 different languages.
Friday: Pray that God would raise up North Americans who would come alongside Brazilian leaders to provide theological and financial resources for more effective work.
Saturday: Pray for revival and reform among Brazilian Catholics, who make up 73% of the population.
For more info on Brazil and how to pray visit: http://www.operationworld.org/.
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