Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Favs

Happy "Global Forgiveness Day": Aug 27, 2010

America is a country full of random holidays...
National bring your teddy bear to work and school day (Oct 13), International Pancake day (February 16), Gorgeous grandma day (July 23),Talk like a pirate day (Sep 19), to name a few. But, of all the holidays that seem to be insignificant, today’s may be one to consider supporting. In Ephesians 4:32 Paul says to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another just as God in Christ forgave you. If we understood the amount of forgiveness that was given to us by God, why do we find it so hard to forgive one another? C.S. Lewis says, “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Favs: Speak

Psalm 119:46 I will speak of your testimonies before kings and not be ashamed. “You can love with your hands, you can love with your deeds, but how will they know unless we speak?” Jimmy Needham passionately expresses his concern for Christians relying on their actions to proclaim His name, as an excuse for not speaking His name. What’s holding you back? Speak His name!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Memorization

May your mind dwell on these words today...

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Matthew 22:37-39

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Favs: Tiffany Knight

Friday Faves
Tiffany Knight,
Summer Intern

In honor of Tiffany's birthday, we've asked a few girls to share some of their favorite things about spending time with Tiffany over the summer...

"I love her sweet spirit!" -Kati C.
"I like how she loves the Lord so much and she gets so excited when we were talking about Him in family group." - Christal W.
"Her passion for absolutely everything." - Erin F.

Tiffany, your passion for the Lord is contagious! Thank you for faithfully serving Him this summer with us! We love you!!

Proverbs 27:17- "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

For Moms! 30 Days of Prayer for Your Daughter

Starts Tomorrow!
Secret Keeper Girl is offering a guide for 30 days of how to pray for your daughter, and it is featured on their blog here. SKG also has a part of their website devoted just to resources for moms - just click here! What a great way to start out the beginning a new school year, by praying for your daughter and the struggles and victories she will encounter. I look forward to partnering with you and praying for your sweet girls!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A thought for today...

Eccl. 6:9 "It's better to enjoy what we have than to always want something else, because that makes no more sense than chasing the wind." (CEV)

Thank the Lord today for all that He has provided for you (family, a home, friends, health, sight, salvation, His Word...). Girls, may we realize today that true contentment only comes when we trust God and find fulfillment in Him.