Tuesday, December 13, 2011


“For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made
known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” 2 Peter 1:16

Eyewitness: a person who actually sees some act, occurrence, or thing and can give a firsthand account of it. In order to be an eyewitness you must have seen something to give a true account of that situation or thing. Let me ask you, have you seen God? Do you know God, I mean, do you really know Him? What makes Him laugh, what makes His heart hurt, what does He think about? Have you spent enough time with Him to know these things?
Our gracious and great God has revealed to us as much as our minds can conceive, and has done this through His precious Word! Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” It’s personal! You must encounter God personally or you have not encountered Him at all. Henry Blackaby said, “You must encounter God firsthand; or you will become passive, apathetic, or just drop out all together. You must continually encounter God firsthand or your fellowship with God will grow cold. You will quit caring about the concerns of God for His church, for the kingdom, or for the lost world.” Oh, how I pray you would not rely fully on one hour on a Sunday morning to satisfy your longing for something more, something real, something you can really believe (and trust me, everyone desires these things).
Have you encountered God personally? Are they just stories to you (cleverly devised tales) or have you seen God’s character and experienced His grace personally (eyewitness of His majesty)? God desires for you to seek Him and His power and His character rather than repeatedly hearing about Him from other people.
Are they just stories to you, or HAVE YOU SEEN GOD?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Well that's awkward.

If you're taking a trip this Christmas to see those special relatives of yours, make sure it's not this kind...

Merry Christmas one and all!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

CENTSably Christmas shopping!

It's the thought that counts...so here's what WE'RE thinking for some great gift ideas for your friends!

1. Signable photo frame
Find a cute picture of you and your friend and fill the outside with inside jokes, favorite sayings, or funny memories!
$12.97 at WAL-MART

2. Sunglasses
no more squintting!!
$10.50 at CLAIRE'S

3. Earrings
Pretty plums earrings in turqoise...
$12.00 at FRANCESCA'S

4. Scarf
The perfect accessorie for those cold winter days!
$12.99 at TARGET

5. Stationary
Everyone needs some encouragement! Help your friends encourage their friends with supplying some cute notecards for them!
$9.99 At TARGET

Got any creative ideas to share? We'd love to hear them!

Monday, November 14, 2011

80's AwEsOmE girls night was a BLAST!!
Makeovers, milkshakes, and music...oh my!!

click here for pictures from 80's Girls Night!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Coming soon...
Awesome 80's Girls Night
November 10th

Come hang out with us at Girls Night on November 10th from 6:30-8:30pm! We'll have a ton of fun with makeup, karaoke, hairstyling, and of course...food! :)

Don't forget to wear your most AWESOME 80's outfit!!

Thirst Bible Studies:
Sunday afternoons at 4pm (MS) and 5pm (HS)
We're half way through our Bible Studies on sunday afternoons for
6th-12th grade girls! We asked one of our 7th grade girls, Chloe K.,
about her experience in Thirst Bible Studies...

What is your favorite part of coming to Thirst?
"I like the groups we into after the teaching, it really gets you more in depth."

What has made the biggest impact on you so far this semester at Thirst and why?
"The lesson on purity, because it's helped me think differently."

We hope you'll join us for our last couple of weeks to learn from God's Word and spend time together!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Middle School Festival 2011
Wednesday night fall fest was a blast! Human bowling, Angry birds (real life!), volleyball, hot dogs, cotton candy, and of course... dodgeball! We definitely had a pretty awesome time. . . SEE FOR YOURSELF. . . .

Angry Birds!!

The dodgeball game to end all dodgeball games.

Sad you missed it? Check bellevuestudents.org soon for more pictures!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hannah D. is an 8th grader in the Girls Ministry here at Bellevue! You've probably seen here around but we want to get to know her a little bit better so we asked her to tell us a little bit about herself... :)

What is a verse of Scripture that has encouraged you recently and why?

- One verse of Scripture that has recently encouraged me is James 1:17-18 which says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like the shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all He created." This is very encouraging to me because it says that God is never changing and is always giving me blessings that are perfect for me and just what I need.

Who is a role model for you and why?

- One person that I look up to as a role model is Elizabeth Spiller. She has been my friend since birth, and has always been like a big sister to me. She has always walked faithfully with God and has shown me what being a Godly girl looks like.

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

- If I were an animal I'd be a puppy! I would be a puppy because they are cute, they get loved and adored by their families and they get to make people happy!

We want to get to know you a little better too! So get a group of friends together and we'll meet for... lunch/dinner/bfast/coffee/shopping/walking/cupcakes/movies/shuffleboard and or yahtzee/karaoke/ manicures...just call/text/email/facebook/approach in the hall/hand written letter to either of us (Christy or Jenny) :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Shopping CENTSably...

We are so excited to share creative tips and fun facts about fashion and spending money responsibly. We have a few examples for you of girls in our ministry who are already shopping CENTSably....

Abbie S. and Casey G.

Abbie likes to curl up to a good bush to wear this casual and stylish floral print dress she bought at Target for a low price of $15!
But seriously, SO cute!

Casey is super excited about her J. Crew sweater with diamond studded buttons that she purchased at Plato's Closet for just $10!

Thanks girls for shopping CENTSably!!

*It's always fun to buy a new outfit and to enjoy the clothes we wear! But don't forget what really matters...your heart! Remember to ask God to help you love HIM with all of it this week and to give you a balanced perspective of outward appearance and inward character! (1 Peter 3:3-4)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mother Daugher Reception 2011!
Every year we give moms and daughters a chance to get together on a sunday night to learn about what to expect from Girls Ministry the next year, and to ask how we can better minister to them!

Thank you Girls Council for all your help!

Questions, comments, or ideas for next year? Contact Christy at CPritchard@bellevue.org

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cheese biscuits and knit sweaters!

Just thinking about a "perfect day" gets me excited about heaven! I mean if you think about it, everyday there will be the most wonderful day. For now, as I remain here on earth, I can only dream of a "perfect" day. If I were to plan this day, it would be on a Wednesday, my favorite day of the week. It would occur during the month of December, and the skies would be grey with snow-filled clouds. That morning, I would wake up, roll out of bed, slip on my fluffy robe and fuzzy slippers, and get a nice, warm mug of hot cocoa with mini-marshmallows. After I finished my hot cocoa, I would get all dressed up in my winter attire, after all who doesn't love winter clothes? I would wear my purple knit sweater, jeans, pea coat, scark, toboggan, and Uggs (can't forget those). My first event of the day would be ice-skating. I've never tried it and it's on my bucket-list, so why not give it a try. From there I would go to Jim N' Nicks for lunch. Just think, warm cheese biscuits, queso dip, and warm stew. MMM! Then I would get a group of friends together to go sledding. I would choose the tallest hill I could find and have at it! We would sled, have a snowball fight, and build snowmen. After all of that I would probably be so tired, so I would go home and eat dinner which would have to be turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie! Then I would watch Elf and A Christmas Story by the Christmas tree in my sock-monkey footy pajamas. Finally, before bed I would sit back and think what a wonderful day I had and go to sleep. That is my "perfect" day in a nutshell!

Nicole Wright
Genesis Weekend 2011!

We had a great weekend getting to know each other in our lifegroups and serving others around Memphis!

Several classes baked cookies and delivered them to Firehouses in appreciation of all that the Fireman do for our country!

So many places to serve, oh my!

Take time to get to know each other this next semester and serve others together!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


"I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God."
2 Timothy 2:9-10

DOs and DON'Ts for FALL 2011

DO...add blue to your wardrobe!

$14.99 at American Eagle.

DON'T...shy away from bold patterns!

$16.99 at Payless Shoesource

A cute pair of shoes are very important! Don't believe me? Ask Cinderella.

DO... be creative with layering!

$3.97 at Old Navy

Plain colored tees are a perfect foundation for creative layering!

DON'T be afraid to wear white after labor day!

$9.99 at Sears

Remember to be CENTSable with your shopping this fall! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thirst Bible studies!

2011 Teachers and studies!

Beginning September 18th, come to the upper room to find out more details. We hope you'll join us to study God's Word and spend time with each other! :)

Middle school meets at 4:00pm...

Master teacher~ Christy Pritchard, Assistant~ Jenny Clark

"Where our minds dwell", study of Philippians 4:8-9

Meets in the Edge for master teaching followed by group discussions

Discussion group leaders:
6th grade~ Claire Groves and Lauren Nywening. W364
7th grade~ Amanda Gurene and Elizabeth Spiller. W368
8th grade~ Joy Shook and Mary Kate Thomas. W372

High school meets at 5:00pm...

9th grade~ Amanda Adams and Bethany Jerkins W374
"Choices- what the Bible has to say."
10th grade~ Melissa Langley. W370
"Women of the Old Testament- choosing a biblical role model."
11/12th grade~ Stephanie Bryson. W366
"Girls gone wise" by Mary Kassian
Girls Council~ Christy Pritchard and Jenny Clark. The Edge
"Where our minds dwell" study of Philippians 4:8-9

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Praying for Nepal.


Nepal faces many personal differences and economic problems. Pray for wisdom, courage, and grace for its leaders.


Fifty-five percent of the population is unevangelized. Pray for the unreached:Tibetan refugees, Muslims, mountain peoples, and the Tharu.


Forty-seven percent of the population is underemployed. Pray for creative,sustainable means of employment.


The young people are vulnerable to economic exploitation, sex trafficking, drug abuse, AIDS, and more. Pray for changes that will offer hope and a future.


Christians face laws and violence that could prevent them from sharing the Gospel. Pray for perserverance for believers.


Christianity has a negative image in Nepal. Pray for discernment, courage, and faithfulness for those seeking to reverse negative opinion.


Christian ministries face many challenges. Pray for practical, innovative ways to address child labor, trafficking of Nepali girls, and disease.

Ask the Lord to give you a heart for people like He has!

1 John 5:1 "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the Father, loves His child as well."

Monday, August 8, 2011

Praying for Nations: Namibia

Join us as the Student Ministry prays for Namibia this week:

  • Sunday: Pray that the nation's leaders will address the issues of poverty, land ownership, and AIDS with wisdom and determination.

  • Monday: Pray for a biblical faith to be restored in Namibia's churches.

  • Tuesday: Pray for all to hear the Gospel once again and to turn back to Christ; pray for unity and cooperation of all groups seeking to uplift Christ in this nation.

  • Wednesday: Pray for current and future pastors and leaders to be trained and formed in God's standards.

  • Thursday: Pray the major missions as AIM, YWAM, AoG, and SIM would minister to the people of Namibia in the power of the Gospel but also with sensitivity.

  • Friday: Pray for successful distribution as Christian ministries strive to get a Bible in the hands of every Namibian.

  • Saturday: Namibia has the fourth highest AIDS infection rate in the world. Pray for the churches and missions to make this issue a long-term priority.

For more information about Namibia and specific ways to pray go to: http://www.operationworld.org/.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jerusalem Project Re-cap

We had such a wonderful week at Jerusalem project a few weeks ago with 7 different service projects. What a great opportunity to Love God through serving people all around the city of Memphis and surrounding areas! We asked Emma to tell us a little bit about her experience with Jerusalem Project and she shared with us…

“Jerusalem Project was a lot of fun! I did Arlington Backyard Bible Club and we also helped for a VBS at Gallaway First Baptist Church. I helped take care of little kids and fell in love with one little girl named Mikayla. All the little kids were very lovable and amazing. I also grew really close to the people in my group who I normally would never talk or had never even met before!It was a really great experience and I can't wait till next year!” Emma E.

For more pics from Jerusalem Project go to: www.bellevuestudents.org or visit the Bellevue Student Ministry Facebook page.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


“I’m good. How are you?”

Have you ever noticed that the general public answers “good” every time they’re asked how are you? The word good is used to describe our feelings or analysis of our external circumstances. What you’re initially saying is “I am good” as a result of analyzing your circumstances. For example, when someone asks me “how are you Jenny?” my mind instantly replays everything that has taken place that day to give an answer. I may think, ew, I found a hair in my salad at lunch, or so and so didn’t express the enthusiasm I thought they should have when I said hi to them, or I accidentally ran into the wall on my way out the door (which I do quite often). I collect my analysis and declare that my day was “not so good”. It seems as though I have trained myself to evaluate my situational goodness. The term good has become a skewed vision of how we determine our outside influences, not an observation of our internal state of being declared good because of God’s goodness. Maybe this is why we have such a hard time believing that God is intrinsically good(meaning it belongs to Him by His very nature) because we are so used to looking around us to decipher what is good or not so good instead of looking to Jesus and His word to help us determine what is really good! I will still probably answer the same way when I’m asked that age old question, but with a new perspective of thanking God that He is good no matter what my circumstances might say at the moment! Do you find it hard to believe that God is good even when things surrounding you seem very bad?

Galatians 5:19-20 “For the fruit of the Spirit is…goodness…”

By: Jenny Clark, Girls Ministry Intern

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Source

"The Source" is a bi-monthly dinner and night of worship for Single Moms and their daughters. While the moms have dinner and hear from a wonderful speaker, the girls are also having some fun of their own! Junior and Senior girl leaders from Bellevue Girls Ministry help plan the night, serve the food, and love hanging out with the younger girls. Just look and see how much fun we had for "The Source" in the month of June: We tie-dyed t-shirts, made fabric flower head bands, and decorated flower-shaped cookies.Some of us were VERY excited about tie-dying t-shirts!

Leagan, college student, taught the girls how to make flower headbands and also shared about how God cares for us just as He does the lilies of the field (from Matthew 6:28-34). "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself." Thank you Leagan! We are looking forward to the next "The Source" which will be in August. Girls or moms, if you would like to sign up, please go to http://www.bellevue.org/ or click here for direct info about "The Source."