Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Makes a Man?

What makes a man? If your thirteen, probably his shirt. Sixteen, his car. Twenty-three, his job and how secure it is. Thirty-one, how well his marriage looks or how well disciplined his children are. Performance, position, possessions...
which is most important to you? If it's any of the three, prepare to be disappointed. In 1 Samuel 16:7 the Lord says to Samuel, "Do not look at his outward appearance or at his physical stature, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." What makes a man? A heart fully surrendered to Jesus. Every girl desires that a guy respect her and love her unconditionally, so ask yourself, how much of his heart belongs to the Lord? Don't expect him to do either of those things for a significant amount of time apart from a relationship with God which is the only true motivation for him to be the man he was created to be. I challenge you to think past the moment! Think past his shiny red car, spikey blonde hair, into his heart and his character, what will last long after his plaid shirt fades.

~By Jenny Clark, Girls Ministry Intern

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saturday Senior Spotlight

Saturday Senior Spotlight


Marlene Hickman!

1. What do you think would be wise to give up in order to grow closer to the Lord?

Probably my time. I am always on the go and some days it is really hard not to get caught up in whatever I'm doing and realize I'm not on this earth for me but for God.

2. What is a verse of scripture that has challenged you recently?

1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing." It's easy to pray every morning and at night before sleep but this verse has really challenged me to be in constant prayer all day.

3. What is your favorite kind of food? (Mexican, Italian, etc.)


4. What makes you laugh the most?

It doesn't take much to make me laugh but seeing people's reactions to pranks gets me every time!

5. Water skiing or mountain biking?

I would love to say water skiing but I probably can't stay up so I guess mountain biking. It is still fun and actually doable.

Thanks Marlene and congrats on your graduation!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cell Phone Etiquette

Have you ever been sitting in a movie theater and right as the best part of the movie comes up you hear someone rudely and loudly talking on their cell as if they are the only person in the room? Annoying, right? Ever wonder how YOUR cell etiquette matches up? Follow these guidelines to avoid becoming that "annoying person" to those around you. :)

1. Be the master of your phone, not a slave to it!

2. Speak softly.

3. Be courteous to those you are with; turn off your phone if it will be interrupting a conversation or activity. For example: if you're on a date with a cute guy, you wouldn't want him answering his phone in the middle of your conversation, right? Unless it is his mom, then we'll let it pass. :)

4. Avoid talking about really personal issues in a public place.

5. Don't make calls in a library, theater, church, or from your table in a restaurant. Make sure to put your cell on silent in these places also.

6. Don't text during class, Life Groups, or a meeting at your job.

7. Remember that whatever you text (words or pics) can be forwarded to others...so don't text personal info.

8. NEVER drive and text at the same time.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Senior Girls Tea: Re-cap

Sunday Bellevue Student Ministry honored our graduating Seniors. The guys ate "guy food" and heard a challenge from Pastor Gaines, and the girls had a Tea at Pastor and Mrs. Donna's house. Mrs. Donna shared with the girls about the importance of strengthening our relationship with the Lord during college and staying in His Word. We also had yummy treats, sweet fellowship, and a time of prayer for these amazing Senior girls. Girls, we love you and look forward to seeing how God continues to use you today and in the days to come!

For all of the pictures, click here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Praying for Nations: Ghana

Pray each day this week for Ghana:

Sunday: Pray for continued peace & stability within Ghana.

Monday: Pray for those working to translate the Scriptures into 28 unreached languages.

Tuesday: Pray that Christians will display the Gospel to their Muslim neighbors.

Wednesday: Pray for the training & development of leaders within the church.

Thursday: Pray that evangelistic efforts among the northern region of the country will continue to flourish.

Friday: Pray for ministry among the 30,000+ street children of Ghana.

Saturday: Pray for freedom & deliverance for the 20,000+ girls enslaved by cult priests.