Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday Senior Spotlight

This Saturday we are spotlighting

Lauren Nywening!

1. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Croissants, definitely! With either butter or honey. :) I'm a carb junkie. Haha.

2. What is a passage or verse of Scripture you have found challenging recently and why?
Romans 1:8, "First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world." Can you imagine what must have been happening in the Church for their faith to have been reported all over the world? Could that ever be said of the Christians in Memphis? Or even the Christians in all of the U.S.? I just can't fathom the revivals that must have taken place and the values that those Christians must have had. I wish so much that I could see that happen in my lifetime.

3. What advice would you give to younger girls on the subject of living a godly life?
It's all about being purposeful. Some days come where I just want to "cheat" and read my Bible and run without really being prayerful and seeking God's face and will. Reject that temptation with everything in you. Trust me, it's worth it. It was just a few days ago that I had a morning like that, but, by God's grace, I decided to do my full Bible study anyway. It turned out that not two hours later at work God opened the door for me to share openly with one of my lost co-workers about God. I was SO very excited because they were truly interested in what I had to say and kept asking more questions! That was definitely a blessed day! :)

4. What is the best part about being a Senior in High School?
All the great stories you hear about your Senior year are true! It really is a blast! I'd have to say the best parts are the leadership opportunities that automatically come with the territory. You truly do rule the school! Not in a communist kind of way, but you get the picture, haha. You really have to watch yourself, though, because people are, in turn, watching you. It adds a bit of accountability, but that's a good thing for everybody.

5. Polka dots or stripes?
Polka dots, of course. That's just such a fun word to say! Plus, they're cuter on clothes than stripes, in my opinion.

~Thanks Lauren!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Praying for Nations: Egypt

Bellevue Students are praying for Egypt this week:
  • Population of 84 million people.
  • Only 3% of the land is capable of producing crops.
  • Literacy rate is 71%.
  • 11 indigenous languages, 2 have the Bible.
  • 59% of the Egyptian people are considered unreached with the Gospel.
  • Annual income/person is $2162 ($5.92/day, or 5% that of U.S.)
  • Muslim persecution of Christians is well-documented, and has only grown in recent years as Muslims have gained more governmental control and Christians have become more outspoken.
  • Egypt is about 87% Muslim (representing 73 million people).

Prayer Points:

Sunday: Pray for the Presidential election that will take place later this year - that God will raise up a leader who will bring hope and healing to Egypt.

Monday: Pray that the Gospel will shine in the midst of Egyptian uncertainty and political turmoil.

Tuesday: Pray that Egyptian Christ-followers will show and share the Gospel with confidence, power, and clarity.

Wednesday: Pray that God will stop the influence of anti-Christian groups seeking power to promote anit-Christian agendas.

Thursday: Pray that Egyptian Christians will take the Gospel to the 50 million still unreached Egyptians.

Friday: Pray that Muslim-background believers would boldly practice and proclaim the Gospel among Muslims.

Saturday: Pray that God would grant grace and endurance to persecuted Egyptian Christians.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday Senior Spotlight

1. What do you enjoy most about your Life Group?
My teachers get us to dig deeper into God's Word, and I have learned so much from them.
2. What is your favorite snack?
3.How have you seen God working in your life recently?
The Lord has taught me to trust Him more, and out of that I have grown and learned a lot!!
4. Waffle House or IHOP?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The new Radiant Newsletter is here!!!

The March 2011 "Radiant" Girls Ministry Newsletter is here!

For this edition, all of the articles were written by the Girls Council (the 11th & 12th grade girls leadership team). So go on and take a look here, or pick up your very own copy this Sunday at the Student E.R.!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mother & Daughter Conference

Saturday, April 2nd 9am-noon
Cost: $10 per person
At Bellevue Baptist Church, room F241-243 (above the Fellowship Hall)
If your mom is unable to come, daughters can still come & feel free to bring a friend! For all 6th-12th grade girls and their moms.
We will have fun games, breakout sessions, worship, and more!
Go to to sign up today!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Senior Spotlight

1. Who has made the biggest impact on your life this year?

My parents have most definitely made the greatest impact on me this year with their wisdom, prayers, and guidance as I walk the road toward college.

2. Who is your favorite band?

Kutless (Christian rock) - the message of hope that they relay in their music is so encouraging, and it is obvious that they are in love with the Lord! They sound great both on their rock ablums and their worship projects. Check out "I'm Still Yours" and "To Know that You're Alive." :)

3. What is a passage of scripture that has encouraged you recently and why?

Proverbs 3:5-6 has encouraged me as I walk the college path. I know that if I trust God with my plans, he will direct my paths, even in the places where I can't see where I am going.

4. What is your favorite way to encourage someone?

I love to encourage others by serving them (doing things for them) and physically showing them the love of Christ by being a servant. I also encourage by just being there to listen.

5. Vacation: Beach or mountains?

Ahh! Do I have to decide!? Ok, probably the beach, because I am a daredevil at heart and would love to Jet Ski, parasail, and scuba dive. :)

Thanks Heidi!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Praying for Nations: Democratic Republic of Congo

Prayer Points:
Sunday: Pray for an end to warfare, division, and exploitation of women and children.

Monday: Pray that the Gospel will bring healing, spiritual life, and health to the country.

Tuesday: Pray that God will raise up translators to bring the Bible to 94 still unreached people groups.

Wednesday: Pray for a new infusion of Christians who will live out the Gospel among the hurting and broken.

Thursday: Pray for 250,000 children who live on the streets and ministries that reach them.

Friday: Pray for women who have been brutalized and ostracized.

Saturday: Pray for godly leadership who will lead churches to love God and each other.