Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Praying for Nations: Germany

Join Bellevue Students in praying for Germany this week. Ways to pray:

Sunday: Pray that Germans will take advantage of their religious freedom and take the Gospel to unreached areas.

Monday: Pray German Christians will use their wealth and influence for Christ.

Tuesday: Pray that believers will be unified in their mission and ministry.

Wednesday: Pray that believers will be able to lovingly respond to the growing critics from secular humanists and skeptics.

Thursday: Pray for the continued healing from the 1989 unification.

Friday: Pray for the churches to begin a focused ministry to reach teenagers.

Saturday: While 63% of Germans profess Christ, there are still many unreached. Pray for God to burden the hearts of these believers for their lost countrymen.

2011 Senior Girls Tea

All Senior girls are invited to tea in your honor
Sunday, May 1st, 2011


For the 11:11am service, you and your family are invited to sit together in Section G. Please join us in the Courtyard following the 11:11am service for a picture with the Pastor. At 1:30pm, meet at the East Preschool Lobby of Bellevue to ride the bus to the Gaines' home for the Tea.

Please R.S.V.P. by April 24th to the Student Ministry Office (901.347.5690) or to Jennie at jmckay@bellevue.org.

Each year this is such a special time for our senior girls, and we look forward to celebrating you!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday Senior Spotlight

This week we are spotlighting...

Rachel Laster!

1. What are some things that are necessary in attaining uplifting lifelong friendships?

You always have to have honesty as the best policy. Without being able to trust the other person you have no foundation to build anything on. You also have to be willing to listen just as much as you talk. It has to be a good give and take relationship. Also you need to be able to talk about serious issues.

2. What is your biggest pet peeve? (something that annoys you)

Finger nail filing. HANDS DOWN. I loathe it - the sound and the feel.

3. What is one of your favorite things about God?

I love that He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all things grand and powerful, and at the same time He is my loving Father that cares for me.

4. Do you have a random hobby?

I love dancing with my friends. We act super ridiculous, but it is so much fun.

5. Chicken or steak?


Thanks Rachel!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mom & Daughter Conference Wrap-Up

On April 2nd, 6th-12th grade girls and their moms gathered together for a time of worship, challenge from God's Word, and more! Mrs. Donna Gaines taught our main session, and Mrs. Carolyn Higginbotham and the Girls Council taught the break-out sessions. Girls and moms submitted questions that were answered by an incredible panel of moms, daughters, and the student staff wives.

BIG thanks to Girls Council (leadership team of 11th & 12th grade girls) for their help in planning, teaching, leading worship, and decorating! Each girl decorated their table based off the theme of something they enjoy doing with their mom. We had everything from baking, gardening, camping, traveling, Disneyworld, shopping, picniking, and more! The girls were so creative and talented! God gave us such a sweet time together that morning!

To see all the pictures from the Conference, click here!

"Encouragement Booklets" were given to the girls (written by Girls Ministry & Girls Council) and to the moms (written by Bellevue Staff Wives). If you would like to receive a booklet, please contact Jennie at jmckay@bellevue.org.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Like the BSM Facebook Page

Did you know Bellevue Student Ministry has a page on Facebook? Just another way to get you the info you need and pictures you want as soon as possible! Have you seen it yet? You've got to go here: www.facebook.com and type in the search box "Bellevue Students".

Don't forget to "LIKE" the page!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Praying for Nations: Honduras

Info on Honduras:

*Population of 7.6 Million people, and is about the same size as the state of Tennessee

*Literacy rate is 80%*Primarily a Spanish speaking people*10 indigenous languages, 5 of which have the Bible (1 work in progress)

*Average income/person = $1,826 ($5.00/day) or 4% of the U.S.

*"Widespread unemployment, low wages, the devastation of Hurricane Mitch in 1998, and limited development weigh in to make life difficult for the majority, with most of the population below the poverty line." Operation World

*Nearly 1/4 of the population would be considered evangelical; Catholics make up 80% of known believers

*More than half of Honduras' population is made up of children, the majority living in poverty (at the city dumps, on the street, and in gang infested neighborhoods).

*Honduras is home to 60% of Central America's AIDS cases.

Prayer Points: Sunday: Pray that Honduras would continue to experience widespread evangelistic growth Monday: Pray for the protection of Christian converts who leave lives of crime to follow Jesus. Tuesday: Pray that spiritual revival would sweep through the Catholic Church. Wednesday: Pray that God would raise up Honduran ministries that would reach out to the thousands of children who live on the street and at the dump. Thursday: Pray that teams of short-term missionaries from the U.S. would aggressively combine spiritual with social ministry. Friday: Pray for Impacto, a church that reaches out to the "up and out" of the capital city, Tegucigalpa. Saturday: Pray for Point of Impact, a ministry that reaches out to children from single and no-parent homes in rough neighborhoods around Tegucigalpa.