Monday, June 21, 2010

DIG: Week 2!

Jennie & Jenny would love to go to lunch with you! Just get out your Bible, answer the questions below, and the first 3 girls to submit the correct answers win free lunch at McAlister's! Happy digging!

Colossians 1:18-20

1. Who is the head of the church?
2. What does "preeminent" mean?
3. How is peace made through Christ?
4. Tell us one thing that you learned through Bro Steve's message Sunday morning or Sunday night.

Now post your answers & a way to reach you so we can let you know you have won! Happy Digging!


  1. 1. Christ
    2. beginning and the firstborn from amoung the dead..master of all creation.. of most importance
    3. though Christ's blood
    4. Spiritual fruit is more imporant than spiritual gifts and the fruit is the proof of being spirit-filled!

    McKenzie Dorris

  2. 1. Christ
    2. first and foremost
    3. Through His blood
    4. on Sunday night i learned about speaking in tongues and that was pretty cool b/c i wanted to what it's about, and in the morning it was neat to see the portrait of what i want my future husband to be like.
    -Lauren Littlefield

  3. Jesus is the head of the church Sunday Night We don't know how many Spiritual Gifts we all have But God Know How Many Each one of us have Email & Primetime Or Sunday Morning Handed out Netmas Amanda Rose Simmons

  4. 1. christ is the head
    2. adjective
    eminent above or before others; superior; surpassing: He is preeminent in his profession.
    3.through the blood of christ shed on the cross
    4. I learned about the spiritual gifts people can have and what i have , what a man in the house looks like,and I liked Steve's example of the big eye walking around and what I would do if I saw it.

  5. 1. Christ
    2. superior to others
    3. by his blood on the cross
    4. all Christians have spiritual gifts
    spiritual gifts edify the church and should be exercised.
