Sunday, January 9, 2011

Praying for Nations: Afghanistan

Each week Bellevue Student Ministry will join together and pray for a different country. We will study this country on Sunday mornings in Connection, and there will be a prayer pointers on the Ink each week for that country. Today we began by praying for Afghanistan, and here are ways you can pray each day this week:

Facts about Afghanistan:
  • Afghanistan is one of the least reached countries in the world.
  • There are over 48,000 mosques and not a single church building.
  • #1 country with the lowest Christian population (.05%).
  • 71 different unreached people groups.
  • 78% of the people do not have access to clean drinking water.
  • 38 indigenous languages; only 1 full Bible and 1 New Testament.

Sunday: Pray for the small number of Afghan believers who risk their life in reaching out to other Afghans disillusioned with Islam and open to the Gospel.

Monday: Pray for the Pashtun people, who make up over 40% of the countries' population and have very few known followers of Christ.

Tuesday: Pray for the endurance and encouragement of Afghan believers who suffer persecution because of their faith.

Wednesday: Pray for the widespread use and publication of the Dari Bible, which can be understood by about 70% of the population.

Thursday: Pray for Afghan students here in the U.S. to see and hear the Gospel accurately and be able to take it back home to their friends and families.

Friday: Justice, opportunity, and freedom from fear for the women of Afghanistan, many of whom are subjected to inequality and even violence.

Saturday: Pray for courageous men and women who will be willing to spend their lives demonstrating and declaring the Gospel among the Afghan people.

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