Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday Senior Spotlight

This Saturday we are spotlighting

Lauren Nywening!

1. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Croissants, definitely! With either butter or honey. :) I'm a carb junkie. Haha.

2. What is a passage or verse of Scripture you have found challenging recently and why?
Romans 1:8, "First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world." Can you imagine what must have been happening in the Church for their faith to have been reported all over the world? Could that ever be said of the Christians in Memphis? Or even the Christians in all of the U.S.? I just can't fathom the revivals that must have taken place and the values that those Christians must have had. I wish so much that I could see that happen in my lifetime.

3. What advice would you give to younger girls on the subject of living a godly life?
It's all about being purposeful. Some days come where I just want to "cheat" and read my Bible and run without really being prayerful and seeking God's face and will. Reject that temptation with everything in you. Trust me, it's worth it. It was just a few days ago that I had a morning like that, but, by God's grace, I decided to do my full Bible study anyway. It turned out that not two hours later at work God opened the door for me to share openly with one of my lost co-workers about God. I was SO very excited because they were truly interested in what I had to say and kept asking more questions! That was definitely a blessed day! :)

4. What is the best part about being a Senior in High School?
All the great stories you hear about your Senior year are true! It really is a blast! I'd have to say the best parts are the leadership opportunities that automatically come with the territory. You truly do rule the school! Not in a communist kind of way, but you get the picture, haha. You really have to watch yourself, though, because people are, in turn, watching you. It adds a bit of accountability, but that's a good thing for everybody.

5. Polka dots or stripes?
Polka dots, of course. That's just such a fun word to say! Plus, they're cuter on clothes than stripes, in my opinion.

~Thanks Lauren!!

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