Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cell Phone Etiquette

Have you ever been sitting in a movie theater and right as the best part of the movie comes up you hear someone rudely and loudly talking on their cell as if they are the only person in the room? Annoying, right? Ever wonder how YOUR cell etiquette matches up? Follow these guidelines to avoid becoming that "annoying person" to those around you. :)

1. Be the master of your phone, not a slave to it!

2. Speak softly.

3. Be courteous to those you are with; turn off your phone if it will be interrupting a conversation or activity. For example: if you're on a date with a cute guy, you wouldn't want him answering his phone in the middle of your conversation, right? Unless it is his mom, then we'll let it pass. :)

4. Avoid talking about really personal issues in a public place.

5. Don't make calls in a library, theater, church, or from your table in a restaurant. Make sure to put your cell on silent in these places also.

6. Don't text during class, Life Groups, or a meeting at your job.

7. Remember that whatever you text (words or pics) can be forwarded to don't text personal info.

8. NEVER drive and text at the same time.

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